LivMS Event:

See map,Map,2020_0903.pdf
Sammie is a glaciologist and climate scientist. Her research interest focusses on the surface hydrology of Antarctica's ice shelves, and she works on modelling how and where ice shelves may become vulnerable to sudden collapse. This is important in determining Antarctica's contribution to global sea level. She also has interests in Greenland surface hydrology and snow and melt on Arctic sea ice.

Sammie is a 2020 IASC Cryosphere fellow and also a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute. (The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is a non-governmental, international scientific organization. See She has a strong interest in science communication and has spoken at Maths Inspiration theatre shows for teenagers, at the Royal Society and at various festivals, schools and museums. She is also happy to provide media comments and has spoken on live radio for Radio 4's today program and BBC Berkshire.

NASA Landsat8 photo of the GeorgeVI iceshelf

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