The Open Challenge '24 QUESTION paper, results and solutions can be downloaded from the table below. The topic for this year was Constellations.

A virtual prize-giving evening was held on "" on 09 May 2024.

The Open Challenge '23 QUESTION paper, solutions and results are available below. The topic for 2023 was Ancient Egypt.

Entries were received from as far afield as Spain and the standard was again very high.

A virtual prize-giving evening was held on "" on 10 May 2023.

Open Challenge '24 is sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Actuaries and is also supported by W. H. Smith Promotions Ltd.

Here is a selection of past papers and solutions:

2024 PDF PDF Constellations PDF
2023 PDF PDF Ancient Egypt PDF
2022 PDF PDF Famous Artworks PDF
2021 PDF PDF Nature PDF
2020 PDF PDF Vision PDF
2019 PDF PDF Periodic Table of the Elements PDF
2018 PDF PDF Food and Drink PDF
2017 PDF PDF Games PDF

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