The Liverpool Mathematical Society Council

The LivMS Council (also known as the Committee) is a group of members of the Society who meet to plan the future activities of the Society. The Committee is elected annually at the AGM and normally meets twice a year, in September and January. We welcome new members who can bring new ideas to the Society.

If you are thinking of getting involved and would like to have a chat to someone first, please contact Charlie Devlin via email at Come and join us!

President: Rachel Bearon
Vice President: Davina Stanley
Secretary: Charlie Devlin
Treasurer: Chris Marchant
Membership Officer: Graham Reeve
Bookshop Manager: Ann Newstead
Roadshow Officer: Michael Jones
Ordinary Meetings Coordinator: Joel Haddley
Open Challenge Coordinator: Alison Carter
PopMaths Quiz Coordinator: Barry Grantham
MA Representative: Dave Pountney
Local Authority Secretary: Lisa Baggaley
ATM Representative: Mary Stevenson
NCETM Representative: Gaynor Bahan
Webmaster: Colin Wright
Other members: Martin Bamber
Tony Carter
Ivo Siekmann
Peter Newstead
Graham Reeve
Gordon Laing
Sasha Movchan
Kerrie Evans
Anna Pratoussevitch
Stewart Haslinger
Damian Haigh
Peter Giblin

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