Most recent change of GameOfLife
Edit made on May 26, 2019 by ColinWright at 17:05:42
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[[[> IMG:Gospers_glider_gun.gif ---- |>> Gosper's "Glider Gun" <<| ]]]
A Cellular Automaton invented by Cambridge Mathematician,
John Horton Conway.
In the starting position, called the first generation,
each cell is either empty or populated.
To find the position in the next generation:
For each cell that is populated
* Each cell with one or no neighbours dies,
** as if by loneliness.
* Each cell with four or more neighbours dies,
** as if by overpopulation.
* Each cell with two or three neighbours survives.
For each cell that is 'empty' or 'unpopulated'
* Each cell with three neighbours becomes populated, as if by birth.
"Neighbours" are the 8 cells, including those diagonally positioned.
A nice site to investigate the Game of Life is: