Most recent change of Event_20160312_PopMathsQuiz

Edit made on March 12, 2016 by BarryGrantham at 23:38:03

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

[[[> |>>
! To see more details and _
! previous prize-winners _
! click: Pop Maths Quiz
<<| ]]]
LivMS Event:

* *Date:* 12 Mar, 2016
* *Time:* 10:00 to 14:00
* *Presenter:* Tony Carter, Barry Grantham, Julie Powell Ian Jarman
* *Title:* Sixth Form Pop Maths Quiz
* *Audience:* Sixth Form
* *Venue:* Liverpool John Moores University, James Parsons Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF
* *Contact:* Barry Grantham:


!! How to Enter for March 2016

Each school is invited to enter one or more teams (up to a maximum of 4). More details can be seen here: Pop Maths Quiz

Teams should be of 4 students or less.

!! !# *To*apply*for*the*2016*event*please*complete*and*submit*the*online*web*form*here:*


You encouraged to submit the web entry form as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, and by *5:00PM*on*Monday*7th*March*2016*at*the*latest* for planning purposes.

Receipt of your completed entry form will be acknowledged by email.

!! !# *Final*details*and*meeting*instructions:* DOC:160312_PMQ_final_details_v1.pdf

!! !# *Health*&*Safety*Information:* DOC:160312_PMQ_LJMU_Safety_Information.pdf

!! !# *Publicity*flyer:* DOC:160312_PMQ_2016_flyer.pdf

!! What does it cost?

There is no entry charge for this event.



!! We wish to thank the following for generous sponsorship and support for this event

| _ IMG:LJMU_logo.jpg _ _ | *Liverpool*John*Moores*University* _ _ |
| _ IMG:WHS.jpg _ _ | *WH*Smith* _ _ |

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IMG:Q6-4web.jpg IMG:DSC_0171.JPG