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!! The Liverpool Mathematical Society Council The LivMS Council (also known as the Committee) is a group of members of the Society who meet to plan the future activities of the Society. The Committee is elected annually at the AGM and normally meets twice a year, in September and January. We welcome new members who can bring new ideas to the Society. If you are thinking of getting involved and would like to have a chat to someone first, please contact Charlie Devlin via email at mailto:charlie.devlin@liverpool.ac.uk. Come and join us! | President: | Davina Stanley | | | Vice President: | Graham Reeve | | | Secretary: | Charlie Devlin | | | Treasurer: | Chris Marchant | | | Membership Officer: | Graham Reeve | | | Bookshop Manager: | Ann Newstead | mailto:ajnew@liverpool.ac.uk | | Roadshow Officer: | Michael Jones | mailto:mgjones@liverpool.ac.uk | | Ordinary Meetings Coordinator: | Joel Haddley | | | Open Challenge Coordinator: | Alison Carter | | | PopMaths Quiz Coordinator: | Barry Grantham | mailto:granthb47@gmail.com | | MA Representative: | Dave Pountney | | | Local Authority Secretary: | Lisa Baggaley | | | ATM Representative: | Mary Stevenson | | | NCETM Representative: | Gaynor Bahan | | | Webmaster: | Colin Wright | mailto:livms@solipsys.co.uk | | Other members: | Martin Bamber _ Tony Carter _ Ivo Siekmann _ Gordon Laing _ Sasha Movchan _ Kerrie Evans _ Anna Pratoussevitch _ Stewart Haslinger _ Damian Haigh _ Rachel Bearon _ Maria Bennett | |