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! Liverpool Mathematical Society Bursary Fund !! Registered charity no. 1156909 The next deadline for applications is 28th February 2025, after which those received will be considered by the Trustees and decisions made. We strongly advise submitting ahead of the deadline in case the Trustees require further information about your application. The value of bursaries awarded is usually between £50 and £300 (in exceptional circumstances, up to £500). ---- Joyce Hatton was a teacher who, for many years, ran a shop at meetings and conferences, including those of the Liverpool Mathematical Society. The shop sold books and other items of a mathematical nature or in some way related to mathematics. On her death, she left her remaining stock to the Society, which has continued to run the shop at the Challenge and Senior Challenge prizegiving evenings and the final MEM masterclass. The Joyce Hatton Memorial Bursaries were created in her name and have been supported from the proceeds of the shop. Responsibility for the award of these bursaries has now been passed to the newly registered charity Liverpool Mathematical Society Bursary Fund, which has been set up as an Charitable Incorporated Organisation with initial funding provided by the Liverpool Mathematical Society. The trustees include the Secretary and Treasurer of the Liverpool Mathematical Society and at least three further appointed trustees. The Liverpool Mathematical Society Bursary Fund welcomes applications from teachers, trainee teachers, college and university students, and school pupils to assist with activities or events with a mathematical basis. Recent successful bids have included the setup costs of school Maths Clubs, a permanent outdoor Maths Trail, mathematical playground equipment and an inter-school competition. In keeping with the wishes of Joyce Hatton, we favour projects which focus on the enjoyment and enrichment of mathematics, and which have well-defined ongoing impact and/or lasting legacy benefits. We would not ordinarily support applications seeking funds for curriculum development or delivery (such as MyMaths subscriptions) or Conference attendance. We can support one-off events, but would expect evidence of ongoing impact. We cannot support aspects of any such event which are of a purely social nature (for example, provision of refreshments). We are happy to consider applications from across the UK and the Isle of Man. However, as a charity based in Liverpool, we will afford priority when oversubscribed to applications from Merseyside and the surrounding area. !* Those accepting bursaries are required to submit a brief report on the benefits, emphasising ongoing impact and/or lasting legacy. You can do this in the form of an email: mailto:mgjones@liverpool.ac.uk !! To apply online click this link: [Click here to apply online](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdg_efHX0wuH0NyogI6_PxmJH7JbNxnvSrw4q5gMHcfp1vVow/viewform) In the event of problems, please email mailto:mgjones@liverpool.ac.uk Any data supplied with an application is covered by our Privacy Policy. The data together with any correspondence we have with you concerning your application is retained for our records and in case any issues arise. All data is accessible only to the trustees of the Bursary Fund and is not shared with any other organisation (including the Liverpool Mathematical Society). This page was last updated on 7th August 2024.