Most recent change of PopularLectures20-21and21-22

Edit made on October 04, 2021 by ColinWright at 10:09:50

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

! Lectures 2020-21 and 2021-22

One remaining lecture this academic year:
* Thursday 22 April, 2pm-3pm, online
* Gaynor Bahan, Studying maths to smash the glass ceiling * Event_20210422_Popular_Lecture

! Lectures for 2021-22

The results of the questionnaire after Anna’s post-presidential lecture are below
(thanks to Michael Jones):

* Thinking about just this talk. If it had been F2F, and we were in 'normal' times, I would have attended:
** Definitely NOT – 13 responses (15% of the total)
** Probably NOT – 34 responses (39% of the total)
** Probably – 28 responses (32% of the total)
** Definitely – 13 responses (15% of the total)

* Thinking about the 2021/2022 season, we hope to offer both online and F2F talks. Which statement best describes you? I would attend:
** F2F talks only (not online talks) – 1 response (1% of the total)
** a mixture of purely F2F and purely online talks – 43 responses (49% of the total)
** only online talks (I would CHOOSE not to attend F2F talks) – 18 responses (20% of the total)
** only online talks (I am unable to attend F2F talks) – 26 responses (30% of the total)

* We are considering live streams of F2F talks in 2021/22. I would:
** choose to live stream even though I could attend F2F – 35 responses (40% of the total)
** choose to attend F2F – 23 responses (26% of the total)
** not be able to attend F2F – 30 responses (34% of the total)

Attendance at Anna’s Anna's lecture peaked at 110 Zoom connections, but mostly hovered around the 103/104 mark throughout.
We had a range of audience members, including UoL staff and students, school teachers and pupils, and international
guests from as far away as Seattle!

Based on this perhaps we should plan an online lecture in the autumn and a face-to-face lecture for Christmas? (Who knows
what the situation will be at either of those times?) The question then is whether we should combine face-to-face with online
in the autumn.