Most recent change of LivMSBursaries

Edit made on September 14, 2013 by ColinWright at 16:30:33

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Joyce Hatton was a teacher who, for many years, ran a shop at meetings and conferences, including those of the Liverpool Mathematical Society. The shop sold books and other items of a mathematical nature or in some way related to mathematics. On her death, she left her remaining stock to the Society, which has continued to run the shop at the Challenge and Senior Challenge
prizegiving evenings and the final MEM masterclass. The
Moved: Joyce Hatton Memorial Bursaries were created in her name and have been supported from the proceeds of the shop.

Applications are invited from Mathematics teachers and pupils for support to assist with mathematical activities such as events in schools or the local community, attending conferences or any other ideas that have a mathematical basis. One criterion, very much in accordance with the beliefs of Joyce Hatton, is that the activities supported should encourage the enjoyment of mathematics. Bursaries may be awarded in the amount of £50 to (exceptionally) £500 and applications may be made at any time.

For an application form, go to DOC:jh_bursary.pdf
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