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Edit made on October 21, 2024 by MichaelJones at 14:50:14

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! Welcome to the Liverpool Mathematical Society

!! #ACTIVITIES#2023-24#

The programme of lectures for the year 2023-24 has now concluded. The 2024-25 programme will be publicised in due course.

The Open Challenge virtual prize evening took place on Thursday 9th May. The Pop Maths Quiz took place on Saturday 2nd March;
further details [here](

!! #ACTIVITIES#2024-25#

A programme of lectures for 2024-25 has being arranged. See our [TicketSource page]( for full details and to book.

Planning is in hand for the 2025 Pop Maths Quiz. It is expected that Open Challenge 2025 will take place under similar conditions to the 2024 edition.

#Bursaries# from the LivMS Bursary Fund (charity no. 1156909) are available to the value of £50 to £300 (in exceptional cases, up to £500).
The next deadline for applications is 31st May October 2024. More information is available on the Joyce Hatton Memorial Bursaries page.

!! #ACTIVITIES#2024-25#

A programme of lectures for 2024-25 is being arranged.

Planning is in hand for the 2025 Pop Maths Quiz. It is expected that Open Challenge 2025 will take place under similar conditions to the 2024 edition.

[[[ IMG:Actuarieslogo.png ]]]

The Society has received
the second instalment of £2100 of our 3-year grant; it will again be sufficient to fund Open Challenge
and our lecture programme, including the Christmas Lecture.

The grant is from the Company of Actuaries Charitable Trust.



Membership of the Society is now open for the #year#2024/25.# If you join now, your membership will be valid up to #1#October#2025.#
If you are able to pay more than the standard subscription, any
additional amount paid will be treated as a donation, for which the
Society will be most grateful.

Click Membership to find out more - save by taking out a 5-year subscription (which will cover the period up to 1 October 2029).
There is a reduced rate for ATM, MA and U3A members. Institutional membership is also available, for example covering all
teachers in a school or college. #Free# institutional membership #for#one#year#will#be#offered#to#all#schools#participating#in#any#of#our#activities#in#2024/25.#

Members who have reached state pension age and have been members for at least 10 years qualify for
free life membership.

We have a Members Page on the website, accessible only to members. Minutes of the AGM and Committee meetings and possibly other
documents of interest will be posted here. The most recent documents are the minutes of the AGM and the Committee meeting held on 20/09/23. To access, sign in and go to Members Page.


! #~FunMaths#~Roadshow#activities#for#use#at#home#
! [FMR Home Activities]( _

!* These activities are free of charge. _ _
Teachers may make puzzles from this collection available to students in their schools for use on screen or after printing out. _ _
!* Parents and pupils may access these puzzles directly at home, and should first read the Notes for Guidance. _ _
Answers to the puzzles are provided, and there is a feedback form so you can get in touch with us.


The ~FunMaths ~Roadshow remains on sale by download only.
You can see all the details [here](


! #Programme#for#2024-25#

The programme is currently being arranged. Further details will appear here in due course. COLUMN_START^
!! #Thursday# _ #5#September#2024# _ 5pm
* Venue: Online via Zoom
* Title: AGM
* Audience: LivMS members
* [Click here for further details](


!! #Thursday# _ #5#September#2024# _ 5.15pm
* Venue: Online via Zoom
* Title: Committee Meeting
* Audience: LivMS Committee and members
* [Click here for further details](


!! #Wednesday# _ #23#October#2024# _ 5pm - 6pm
* Tiago Hirth
* Venue: In-person, Lecture Theatre 2, Redmonds Building, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool John Moores University
* Title: Brain Teasers and Puzzles, from the Middle Ages to Modern Science
* Suitable for Year 11 up, their teachers and anyone interested in mathematics
* [Click here for further details](
* Registration: Via [TicketSource](


!! #Wednesday# _ #11#December#2024# _ 2pm - 3pm
* Dr Katie Steckles
* Venue: In-person, University of Liverpool (exact location TBC)
* Title: Fractals: Journey to the 2.7th Dimension
* Suitable for Year 11 up, their teachers and anyone interested in mathematics
* [Click here for further details](
* Registration: Via [TicketSource](

!! #Wednesday# _ #05#February#2025# _ 5pm - 6pm
* Dr Eleanor D'Arcy
* Venue: In-person, University of Liverpool (exact location TBC)
* Title: Assessing England’s Water Environment: A Statistical Story
* Suitable for Year 11 up, their teachers and anyone interested in mathematics
* [Click here for further details](
* Registration: Via [TicketSource](


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!! About the society:
* Liverpool Mathematical Society
* FunMaths Roadshow
* Joyce Hatton Memorial Bursaries
* Membership

Last updated 13 May 13th September 2024


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This is an unusual web site in several respects. You can discover
more by clicking on this link:
* About This Site.