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LivMS Event:
* *Date:* 12 Dec, 2019
* *Time:* 14:00 - 15:00
* *Presenter:* Tom Rocks Maths (a.k.a. Tom Crawford)
* *Title:* Christmas Lecture: It's all Greek to me!
* *Audience:* Year 11 up, and all those interested in mathematics.
* *Venue:* University of Liverpool, Lecture Theatre 3, LT3, Teaching Hub 502. This is building 502 on the map https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/files/docs/maps/liverpool-university-campus-map.pdf There is a visitor carpark with entrance on Mount Pleasant and a car park under the Metropolitan Cathedral https://www.liverpoolmetrocathedral.org.uk/visit-the-cathedral/ with entrance also on Mount Pleasant.
* *Contact:* Peter Giblin pjgiblin@liv.ac.uk
Entry is free to all, but booking will be needed. Please use the form
Maths: it’s all Greek to me!
You’ve probably heard of Pythagoras, Archimedes and Plato, but do you know the sins behind their stories? From murder and deceit to running naked down the street, the Ancient Greek mathematicians were anything but boring. I’ll be telling you all about their mischief – mathematical or otherwise – as I bring the history of maths to life (featuring live experiments and togas).
Dr Tom Crawford is a maths tutor at the University of Oxford with a mission to share his love of maths with the world. His award-winning website
http://www.tomrocksmaths.com/ features videos, podcasts, articles and puzzles designed to make maths more entertaining, exciting and enthralling for all.
Be sure to follow him on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for the latest updates @tomrocksmaths.