Edit made on September 15, 2018 by ColinWright at 20:04:37
Deleted text in red
Inserted text in green
LivMS Event:
* *Date:* 18 September, 2018
* *Time:* 17:00
* *Presenter:* Alexander Movchan
* *Title:* AGM
* *Audience:* Members
* *Venue:* G02, Mathematics and Oceanography Building, University of Liverpool
* *Contact:* Michael Jones
The following papers for the AGM are now available.
* DOC:AgendaAGM18092018.pdf
* DOC:Accounts17-18.pdf
* DOC:TreasurersReport2018.pdf
* DOC:AGM20180918SecReport.pdf
* Minutes_2017_09_19_AGM