Edit made on November 24, 2014 by BarryGrantham at 19:07:32
Deleted text in red
Inserted text in green
LivMS Event:
* *Date:* 26 Nov, 2014
* *Time:* 17:30
* *Presenter:* Prof Lasse Rempe-Gillen
* *Title:* 'Chaos' in dimension one - An introduction and new results
* *Audience:* Year 11 and up
* *Venue:* University of Liverpool, Rotblat Lecture Theatre, Chadwick Building, Peach Street Liverpool L69 7ZF. Nearest Visitor Car Park is on Mount Pleasant.
The Chadwick Building is ~number 221 on this map:
* http://www.liv.ac.uk/files/docs/maps/liverpool-university-campus-map.pdf
* Peter Giblin, mailto:pjgiblin@liv.ac.uk
This is a new date for the event originally scheduled on 19th November 2014
! 'Chaos' in ~dimension one - An introduction and new results
! Some more information on the topic can be obtained from
* http://plus.maths.org/content/maths-metronomes-fireflies
| |>> IMG:Arnold_hyp_3_8_screen.jpg <<| _ _ |>> Arnold_hyp_3_8_screen <<| | | IMG:Arnold_invertible_2_screen.jpg _ _ |>> Arnold_invertible_2_screen <<| |
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| This lecture is suitable for pupils in Year 11 and above, and their teachers. Everyone welcome. _ _ Admission £2.00 payable on the door. No tickets. _ _ Free admission to full members of LivMS and all students. | | IMG:Arnold_unstable_screen.jpg _ _ |>> Arnold_unstable_screen <<| |
! !# Download a flyer (below) for this event here: DOC:141126_Lecture_flyer.pdf