Most recent change of Event_20141015_PopularOct14

Edit made on October 10, 2014 by BarryGrantham at 11:07:19

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

LivMS Event:

* *Date:* 15 Oct, 2014
* *Time:* 17:30
* *Presenter:* Professor Paulo Lisboa
* *Title:* Mathematics - is it for ~real? A short walk through applications to ~real-world problems in data analysis
* *Audience:* Year 11 up
* *Venue:* Liverpool Hope University, EDEN Building, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD
* *Contact:* Peter Giblin,
[[[>50 IMG:MontyHall.jpg _ _
|>> Monty Hall Problem <<| ]]]
! ~Mathematics - is it for ~real?
!! A short walk through applications to ~real-world problems in data analysis _
This lecture is suitable for pupils in Year 11 and above, and their teachers. Everyone welcome. _

Admission £2.00 payable on the door. No tickets.

Free admission to full ~members of LivMS and all students.

! Download a flyer for the event here: DOC:141015_Lecture_flyer2.pdf

! Directions to Hope EDEN Building: DOC:Hope_EDEN_Building_v4.pdf