Most recent change of Event_20140306_Woolley

Edit made on September 05, 2014 by ColinWright at 20:39:02

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

LMS Event:

* *Date:* 06 Mar, 2014
* *Time:* 17:30-18:30
* *Presenter:* Thomas Woolley
* *Title:* Diffusion of the Dead
* *Audience:* Year 11 up
* *Venue:* University of Liverpool, Chadwick Lecture Theatre
* *Contact:* Peter Giblin,
The Chadwick Lecture Theatre is on Peach Street, opposite the Mathematical Sciences
Building for which the postcode is L69 7ZL. The nearest visitor carpark is on
Mount Pleasant.

A flyer advertising the event may be found here DOC:Woolley2014.pdf

Knowing how long we have before we interact with a zombie could mean the
difference between life, death and zombification. Here, we apply the
same mathematical models to zombies that you would use to describe flu,
or measles. We use this model to derive exact and approximate
interaction times and use these to develop strategies which allow the
human race to survive impending doom.

Thomas Woolley is an Oxford mathematician who specializes in mathematical modelling
of biological systems. He also has a wide reputation as a speaker to schools and
other young audiences and in other outreach activities to the community:
The Liverpool Mathematical Society is privileged to have Thomas come to talk to schools,
teachers, undergraduates, other interested people.....

There is a door charge of £2 for this meeting. This is not payable by members of the
Society or students (school, college, university).
Moved -> Event_20140306_PopularLecture