Edit made on February 19, 2014 by PeterNewstead at 12:09:43
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LivMS Event:
* *Date:* 13 Feb, 2014
* *Time:* 17:30
* *Presenter:* David Bedford
* *Title:* Committee Meeting
* *Audience:* LivMS Council
* *Venue:* Liverpool University Maths Building
* *Contact:* Lonnie Readioff
Moved here from Event_20140206_Meeting
!! Minutes of the Committee meeting
Apologies were received from Martin Bamber, Peter Giblin, Barry Grantham, Michael Jones, Jacqui
McClelland, Sue Pope, Dave Pountney, Lonnie Readioff and Colin Wright.
Present: Lisa Baggaley, David Bedford, Alison Carter, Tony Carter, Val Hanrahan, Sue Harkness,
Ian Jarman, Anna Kirpichnikova, Ken McKelvie, Ann Newstead, Peter Newstead and Mary Stevenson.
!! 1. Minutes and matters arising from meeting of 12 September 2013
Previous minutes: Event_20130912_Meeting
The minutes had been circulated in advance and were approved subject to correction of
spelling errors. There were no matters arising other than those covered by other items on the
!! 2. Treasurer's Business (Peter Newstead)
The interim accounts were circulated and no comments were raised.
!!! 2.1 Membership
The Membership income (now £255) includes £195 in respect of 5-year memberships. The
true sum for this year's memberships (taking account also of two 5-year memberships
appearing in last year's accounts) is £109 representing 21 individual memberships and 1
institutional membership. There are also 7 student members and 9 honorary members. A
further 6 subscriptions are promised and 1 is being chased.
!!! 2.2 CPD
No income has been received in respect of the CPD session on 23/11/13. Invoices were sent
out before Christmas but remain unpaid; the schools are being chased. In future, we must
revert to charging up front, which is the standard procedure for such events.
!!! 2.3 Joyce Hatton Bursaries
The Joyce Hatton Bursary Fund will be established as a charity to be called Liverpool
Mathematical Society Bursaries. Registration will be sought as a Charitable Incorporated
Organisation with the only voting members being the trustees. Once the document is drawn
up, it will be circulated to the Committee before sending it to the Charity Commission. A
minimum of 3 trustees will be specified and the intention is to operate with at least 5
including the Treasurer and Secretary of the Society ex officio (provided they agree). The
other initial trustees will be Tony Carter, Michael Jones and Mary Stevenson. Once the charity
is ~set up, it will be proposed (hopefully at the AGM) that the balance in the Joyce Hatton fund
be transferred to the charity together with any excess profit from the Society's activities.
!! 3. Membership (Peter Newstead)
The Committee was reminded that only members of the Society can be nominated as
Committee members (although cooption is possible). Also members of the Committee who
have neither attended a meeting nor sent apologies during the current session should not
normally be renominated.
Proposals for Honorary Membership should be sent to Lonnie (readioff@liv.ac.uk).
!! 4. FunMaths Roadshow (Peter Newstead)
!!! 4.1 Sales and translations
As can be seen from the accounts, Roadshow sales are continuing to do well. However, there
have been no sales to date of the Welsh version. It seems that it has not been advertised; steps
are being taken to see that this is done.
The Polish translation is nearing completion and the update of the Spanish version has started.
Completing the Welsh, Polish and Spanish translations should take less than £2000 so there is
money available for this. Additional translations have been mentioned but these can only
proceed if someone is willing to coordinate them.
!!! 4.2 John Bibby
At the last meeting, we agreed on a proposal for an agreement with John Bibby concerning
the use and adaptation of Roadshow materials in connection with HER-MATH. The key point
in the proposal was that all intellectual property rights should remain with the Society. John
was not happy with this. In his last email to me (23/10/13), he said that he understood but still
felt that he should share in the rights. He said he would sleep on it and I have heard no more.
!! 5. Nominations for Vice President and Committee
Ian Jarman agreed to accept nomination as the next Vice President. All those current members
of the Committee who were present at the meeting agreed to be renominated; current
members of the Committee not present at the meeting will be asked whether they wish to be
renominated. In addition Lasse Rempe-Gillen, Andy Foulkes and Anna Kirpichnikova will be
asked to accept nomination.
!! 6. CPD (from Lonnie Readioff)
We had a productive CPD Meeting last week. We shall approach Katie Steckles and Richard
Lissaman for an event for Secondary in June, possibly Problem Solving, but for KS3. The
exact topic is to be decided between the speakers and the committee but will complement
existing reds topics and teacher feedback.
We agreed an approximate calendar for 2014/15 that has two Secondary and two Primary
events, possibly on the same day and in the same venue, though this relies on speaker
availability. These will take place in November and June.
It was agreed that all events would be scheduled by 31 August, with speakers lined up to take
part, so that we can present a coherent message about all LivMS events at the same time in
September and across all our media outlets.
We also discussed the need for a person on hand to supervise tea/coffee/refreshments and to
purchase these, possibly paid from funds the meeting generates. This will take one aspect of
the organisation away from the organiser on the day, and relieve some pressure on that person.
It was suggested that start times are modified so that we open doors at 9:30, start at 10:00 and
finish at 1, with a 15 minute break. This is obviously dependent on length of session, as these
can vary, but we feel this is a good model to adopt.
All of this will be trialled at the June event, so we can gain feedback and comparison with
what we have done before.
As to speakers for next year, we have no firm names for Secondary, and so would like
suggestions on email to the Chair by the end of March please. For Primary, we have some
names, but would like some more.
We are also investigating the possibility of Mike Askew giving a talk for the Primary CPD.
!* It was agreed by the Committee !* that all arrangements for the June event should be ~settled
by 7 April to be published on the website and advertised in the Orbiter. It was also agreed that
the Society should pay for someone to supervise tea/coffee/refreshments /etc./
!! 7. Primary Masterclasses (Lisa Baggaley)
A primary masterclass (years 5/6) is planned for the summer.
!! 8. Meetings and events 2013/14 and 2014/15
!!! (a) Open Challenge (Alison and Tony Carter)
Open Challenge has been sent out and is on the website. The prize-giving evening will be on
Wednesday 7 May.
* Details: Event_20140507_OpenChallengePrizeEvening2014
For next year, the theme of Lewis Carroll is proposed.
!!! (b) Pop Maths Quiz (Sue Harkness)
The quiz will take place at John Moores on Saturday 1 Mar. There are currently 34 teams
comprising 135 students. Michael, Ken, Peter N and Ann will be among those helping. Ian
Jarman will approach Paulo Lisboa concerning sponsorship from John Moores and Peter
Newstead will approach Philip Yorke.
* Details: Event_20140301_PopMathsQuiz
!!! (c) Ordinary meetings 2013/14 (from Peter Giblin)
Thomas Woolley is speaking at the University of Liverpool on Thursday 6 Mar and will be
taken out to dinner afterwards.
* Details: Event_20140306_Woolley
There will be no further ordinary meeting this session.
!!! (d) Ordinary meetings 2014/15
Paulo Lisboa and Lasse Rempe-Gillen will be invited to talk together with one outside
speaker, either Peter McOwan or Peter Rowlett.
!!! (e) AGM and Presidential Lecture
This will take place on Thursday 8 May at Liverpool Hope University (5:00 for 5:30).
David Bedford will speak on "Mathematics and the Imagination".
* Details: Event_20140508_AGM
!! 9. Website Development (from Colin Wright)
The site continues to run well, and we are ~working out the best ways of including
information. Several people have now contributed and have commented on how
straight-forward it is to do so. We are reorganising the CPD pages. A password reset facility
now exists, as does a link to allow FunMaths Roadshow purchase downloads to be reinstated.
We are bumping against our storage limits, and while some ~rationalisation has been done and
more can be done, I propose we upgrade our hosting to the next level. This will take it from
£36/yr to £72/yr, although I am in contact with our supplier to propose a discount.
!* It was agreed by the Committee !* that the sum of £72/yr was entirely acceptable, although
we would of course have no objection to a discount.
!! 10. Allied associations
!!! MA Business (from Dave Pountney)
Liverpool events should be reported as usual in the next MA News. The branch annual return
has been completed and we shall qualify for the MA subsidy.
!!! ATM Business (from Sue Pope)
Mary Stevenson and David Bedford reported that they would be attending BCME8. There is
likely to be a meeting of branch secretaries in Derby on Saturday 17 May and it would be
good if someone from LivMS could attend.
!! 11. MEM News (from Barry Grantham)
Peter Ransom will be delivering a masterclass for MEM on Saturday 18 October at Hope.
Any items for the April Orbiter should reach Barry by Monday 7 April.
!! 12. Date and location of next meeting
To be circulated by email following consultation between Lonnie and Lisa Baggaley.
!! 13. AOB
There was no AOB. other business.