Fun Maths RoadshowYou are currentlybrowsing as guest. Click here to log in |
These activities are free of charge.
Teachers may make puzzles from this collection available to students in their schools for use on screen or after printing out.
Parents and pupils may access these puzzles directly at home, and should first read the Notes for Guidance.
Answers to the puzzles are provided, and there is a feedback form so you can get in touch with us.
The FunMaths Roadshow is on sale by download only (no CDs); if this presents serious difficulty, please send Payment is normally by bank transfer only; if this is not possible, please send; there will be an additional charge of £1 for cheque payments to defray bank charges.
If you require the Roadshow urgently, please make a comment to this effect in the Comments section when ordering and your order will be authorised on receipt enabling you to download the files immediately. Once you have purchased the Roadshow, you are not restricted to using it in the usual way as described below, but you are free to make puzzles from the collection available to students in your school for use on the screen or after printing out. You can adapt the puzzles as necessary but should include the FMR logo and either the copyright notice which appears at the bottom of every page or the statement:
The FunMaths Roadshow V6 consists of fourteen 'boxes'. Each box contains 25 mathematical activities displayed on coloured laminated A3 card, with associated equipment. Welsh versions of Boxes -1 to 8 are available and some other languages are available in an earlier version (V4).
Much of the equipment required is supplied in the form of templates, but some items need purchasing or making; advice on this is contained in the template files which are included in the downloads.
Group sizes up to 60 students are appropriate. The puzzles are laid out on tables in a hall or other large space.
Children move around the room tackling the puzzles in any order they choose. Each pupil has a customised response sheet to be initialled by a helper when each activity is successfully completed. Helpers could be staff or older pupils from the school. In a typical session of 60 - 75 minutes, with pupils working singly or in pairs, most pupils will complete well over a dozen activities.
Certainly enjoyment and challenge are the most appropriate epithets to characterise the Roadshow as a whole. Experience has shown that everyone succeeds, including children with special needs.
Printed certificates are awarded to all students.
Examples of the material can be found at
and information on requesting a visit can be found at
To order a download and to check on availability and prices, go here:
When ordering the FunMaths Roadshow, the download link will normally only be sent once payment is received. If you have not received the download link after one week, please check your Junk Items folder. Our emails seem to end up there occasionally.
If you have any queries concerning Roadshow orders, please send
© The Liverpool Mathematical Society 1999, 2011, 2013, 2016
This page was last updated on 30 June 2022.
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