Pop Maths Quiz page

LivMS Event:

The 2025 Pop Maths Quiz will be hosted simultaneously face-to-face and also on online, for teams of up to 4 students.

The date is Saturday 1st March 2025.

The timing is from 0945 to 1400 , with a short break for lunch.

The venue is the Student Life Building of LJMU, accessed by pathway from either Copperas Hill or Brownlow Hill

First-aiders will be present in this building.

The following documents are downloadable:

How to find us: Directions

2025 Final Arrangements - to follow

2025 Risk Assessment - to follow

We anticipate making certificates available for all the students in their teams but it will only be possible to award prizes to those attending the face-to-face event on the day.

What does it cost?

There is no entry charge for this event.

To see more details and previous prize-winners click: Pop Maths Quiz

We wish to thank the following for generous sponsorship and support

Liverpool John Moores University

WH Smith

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