LivMS Event:

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The lecture will be followed by a BOOK SIGNING when copies of Prof Mulcahy's book Mathematical Card Magic: "Fifty-Two New Effects" (published in 2013) will be available at a discount.

There seems to be no end to the mathemagical entertainment to be had with a simple deck of cards, drawing from ideas in algebra, discrete mathematics and probability. We'll present a sampling, both recent and classical. The material is very much in the spirit of the influential writer Martin Gardner, and can be used to liven up parties and mathematics classes.

This lecture is suitable for pupils in Year 11 and above, and their teachers.

Everyone welcome.

Admission £2.00 payable on the door.

No tickets.

Free admission to full members of LivMS and all students.

Dubliner Colm Mulcahy is a professor of mathematics at Spelman College, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Over the past decade, he has been at the forefront of publishing new mathemagical principles and effects for cards, particularly in his long-running bi-monthly "Card Colm" for Some of his puzzles and card effects have been featured in the New York Times, and he blogs for Huffington Post and Scientific American.

Colm's interests are broad, ranging from algebra and number theory to geometry. He tweets at @CardColm

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