Most recent change of FMRHomeActivities

Edit made on January 26, 2024 by MichaelJones at 13:20:56

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! ~FunMaths ~Roadshow activities for use at home.
!* These activities are free of charge. _ _
Teachers may make puzzles from this collection available to students in their schools for use on screen or after printing out. _
Parents and pupils may access these puzzles directly at home, and should first read the Notes for Guidance. _
Answers to the puzzles are provided, and there is a feedback form so you can get in touch with us.


The ~FunMaths ~Roadshow continues to be on sale during the COVID-19 crisis by download only (no CDs). _
You can see all the details [here]( [here](


! #Read#this#first#

!! [Notes for Guidance](Notes_for_Guidance_v3.pdf)


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! #Activities#

!! [A Bridge Too Far](A_Bridge_Too_Far_v4.pdf)

!! [Bottles and Crates](Bottles_and_Crates_v4.pdf)

!! [Coin Collection](Coin_Collection_v3.pdf)

!! [Factorials](Factorials_v3.pdf)

!! [Magic Circles](Magic_Circles_v5.pdf)

!! [Magic Constant Squares](Magic_Constant_Squares_v4.pdf)

!! [Never Say Die](Never_Say_Die_v3.pdf)

!! [Number the Triangle](Number_the_Triangle_v5.pdf)

!! [Pentominoes](Pentominoes_v7.pdf)

!! [Spot to Spot](Spot_to_Spot_v3.pdf)

!! [Tangrams](Tangrams_v5.pdf)


! #Hints#and#Answers#

!! [Answers to all the puzzles](Answers_v4.pdf)


! #Resources#

!! [Dice without glue](Dice_without_glue_v3.pdf)

!! [Dominoes - full set of 28](Dominoes_x28.pdf)

!! [Pentominoes 10 x 6](Pentominoes_templates.pdf)

!! [Tangram pieces](Tangram_pieces.pdf)


! #Feedback#

!! Your comments and feedback are very welcome. [Please Click Here](