Most recent change of Admin_SubscriptionPageText

Edit made on August 06, 2013 by ColinWright at 10:29:33

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

This is where Colin, Lonnie and Peter Newstead can collaboratively _
create the new version of the text to go on the page for people to _
join the Liverpool Mathematical Society.

You can see the current version here:

! Old version

!! New Membership Scheme

The Society is introducing a new membership scheme in connection with
an interactive website being developed over the course of 2009-2011.
Once this is running, members will have access to both public and private
areas and will be able to edit files, add material and make comments.

Subscriptions will be as follows:

* Individual: £5.00
* Reduced rate for MA/ATM Members: £3.00
* Reduced rate that does not include admittance to meetings: £3.00
* Students: free
* Institutional membership (Primary or Secondary): £20.00

The subscription year will start on August 1st and runs through to
September 1st of the following year. No subscriptions will be charged
until the website is fully operational. In the meantime, individuals
can join by sending an email to the Treasurer, Peter Newstead, at You will then be sent further information by e-mail.

The web system for joining the society can be found here:

* Join the Liverpool Mathematical Society
** (opens in new window (or tab))

! New version

!! Join the Liverpool Mathematical Society

Joining the Liverpool Mathematical Society has several benefits.
In addition to being able to attend meetings for no extra charge
(normally £2 admission for non-students), you will also be kept up
to date with any news, and be able to contribute to the newly
emerging Members' Mathematical Matrix, a web site designed to show
connection between areas and to provide overviews of topics within

The subscription year starts on August 1st and runs through to
September 1st of the following year (although minor technical
hitches have delayed renewal of existing members from 2011-2012.
Renewing members should not use the link on
Now complete - delete this page to pay
their subscriptions, but should await emails with renewal

If you have any difficulties, send an email to the Treasurer,
Peter Newstead, at
Subscriptions for the LivMS are as follows:

| Individual membership: | £5.00 |
| Reduced rate for MA/ATM Members: | £3.00 |
| Reduced rate for non-local members: _ !/ (does not include admittance at meetings) !/ | £3.00 |
| Institutional membership (Primary or Secondary): | £20.00 |
| Students: | Free! |

|>> Click here to join the Liverpool Mathematical Society <<|
|>> !/ (opens in new window (or tab)) !/ <<|