LivMS Members' Newsletter No. 3

Programme for 2013/14

The Pop Maths Quiz took place on Saturday 1 March at Liverpool John Moores University with a record number of participants.

There will be a public lecture on Thursday 6 March:

The Open Challenge Prizegiving evening will take place on Wednesday 7 May at the University of Liverpool. More details may be found at Event_20140507_OpenChallengePrizeEvening2014.

The AGM will take place on Thursday 8 May at Liverpool Hope University. The agenda will be circulated later. The Committee has approved a list of nominations for all officers and committee, but members are entitled to make additional nominations. These should be sent to Lonnie Readioff by email ( no later than 8 March.

A secondary CPD meeting and a primary masterclass are planned for June. Details are not yet available but will be put on the website as soon as possible.

Programme for 2014/15

The programme for 2014/15 is under preparation. It is expected to include 3 public lectures and secondary CPD and primary CPD meetings as well as the Pop Maths Quiz and Open Challenge.

Roadshow Developments

Version 6 continues to sell well and can be ordered through the website; discounts on the English version are no longer available. The Welsh primary boxes are also available on the website and further Welsh boxes are being trialled. Unfortunately the news about the Welsh boxes does not seem to have spread and they have not been selling; steps are being taken to rectify this.

The Polish translation is nearing completion. The Spanish update is proceeding slowly.

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