LivMS Event:

Chris Pritchard is the 2021-22 President of the Mathematical Association.

The talk is a journey through mathematical diagrams, some famed for their importance and longevity, some critical for the information they convey and many of them just plain clever. Join me for a look at a range of visual material from the Bride’s Chair of Euclid’s Elements to the Königsberg bridges and from Playfair’s pie chart to Anscombe’s salutary lesson, whilst also enjoying some "proofs without words" which can be deployed profitably in the classroom.

Chris studied at Sheffield University and London South Bank University, and was later awarded a doctorate in the history of statistics by the Open University. His career in mathematics teaching spanned almost four decades, first in London, and then as a Head of Department at schools in the Western Isles and central Scotland. Almost from the outset, he contributed articles to journals, including The Mathematical Gazette and Mathematics in School, so that now he has almost 300 publications. His books include The Changing Shape of Geometry which he edited on behalf of the Mathematical Association and which features contributions from leading mathematicians and educationalists. Recently, Chris completed his trilogy on the elementary mathematics of area, A Square Peg in a Round Hole, The Room in the Elephant and Pack up a Penguin.

A map showing the exact location of the lecture is below.

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